Our Seal finally arrived in Rotterdam south in the sport playground ‘Hillesluis’! After an exciting ride from the city center, over the Erasmus bridge to district Feijenoord, we continued to finish the giant Seal ‘Zeehond op Zuid’ (Seal of the South).
Last Wednesday children of the playground helped us with painting the bright colours on the Seal and her little friend Elephant. The design is based on the winners of a coloring contest of the Seal. The lucky winners are Julian and Shannon with their colorful design!
Now we’re in the final phase to finish the rest of the Seal before it will be released in the water!
The official opening will be:
Time: Saturday, 20th of June at 13.00u
Location: Varkenoordse park, near Sportspeeltuin Hillesluis (Vlasakkerstraat 12)
Curious to the final result? >> You’re welcome to join the opening party! See you then!
Hugs Kwannie and Man-Yee
Many thanks to Alliantie West-Kruiskade, Cultuurscout Feijenoord, Sportspeeltuin Hillesluis, Manuel, Djoeke, Franz, Kasimir, Cola, Claire and all the lovely visitors of the West-Kruiskade!
Our Dutch invitation for the opening!
Over the Erasmus Bridge to Feijenoord!
Arrived at kids playground Sportspeeltuin Hillesluis. Ready to be painted!
Coloring contest of the ‘Seal of the South’ with her little Elephant friend
The winners of the design contest! Congrats to Julian and Shannon!
Check Saturday 20th of June for the final results of the floating art installation! See you there!