Together with the help of the childeren of Hillesluis we came up with a colorful new design for the Zeehond op Zuid 2023!
Playground Hillesluis helped us again with the drawing competition and we also had the help of social organization SOL Netwerk. They organize 2 times a week a special girls club (for girls from 12-17 years), where the girls can meet and every week some creative activities are on the program. These girls helped us out by participating in the drawing competition. And together with them and the other children from Hillesluis, we painted the new design on the Zeehond op Zuid.
The drawings that we choose to paint on the Zeehond op Zuid are from Zeynep (7 years) and Keiti (6 years).
Thanks to: our interns Klarka and Gavri, Speeltuin Hillesluis, SOL Netwerk, Gemeente Rotterdam, Cultuur Concreet, Opzoomeren,